1. The King Size Bar- In a land of cotton candy nothing competes to the sweetness that is a king size bar. It is the Google of Candy Stocks, chances are if you were trick or treating you already knew what houses meant big time goodness and which houses gave you health food garbage. Anything, I mean anything, can be traded for a King Size.
2. The Rarities- After the King Size Bars come the a rarities, I'm talking
3. The Surprise- A surprise would be anything that breaks the mold, a candy you know, but were not expecting to get. A great example is Nerd Rope, it's not a rarity, but it commands some power on the exchange.
4. Quantity- Here is where things get crazy. Probably have a candy portfolio that includes Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Snickers, Skittles, you know, the works. It all matters how much you have and how much you can part for. I once knew a dude who traded all of his M & M's for one little pack of skittles. Hey, you can't hate on passion (or is it addiction).
However at the end of the day, the candy market is all in the sell. If you can convince someone that raisins are better, well I guess you have a future in stock markets and bailouts. Go get em, guy.
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