Man, way back in the
day, I posted the trailer for "
Defiance" and proclaimed that it was going to be fresher than ripe tomatoes. Well, I watched it yesterday and man, was I wrong, this is a movie that is only about survival. It's not about badass jews killing nazis. It's not about
Daniel Craig being a badass and bringing the pain. And it's definitely not the epic film that Ed Zwick, the director of "Blood Diamond" and "
The Last Samurai"(CLICK THAT LINK FOR NINJAS!! BADASS NINJAS) promised in the trailer. So if it is not all those things, then, simply put, what is it?
It's a movie about a whole bunch of people living in the woods for a long time. There's characters, but they're a little hard to figure out cause they switch up their accents more often than D. Craig switches
jackets in the film which is a lot. If anything the movie got me psyched up for Liev Schrieber in "
Wolverine" and Daniel Craig in "James Bond Kills Everything That Moves" or whatever crazy title the next bond film is.
Stay tuned for 24 tomorrow.
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