Kal Penn, the actor who has played Kumar in the "Harold & Kumar" films is joining the White House as a liason to Asian American groups and The Arts. While this turn may be surprising (how could the guy from Superman work at the Whitehouse?), Penn actually has a long political history. A graduate from UCLA, Penn has been speaking on college campuses across the country about political issues. He even taught a course at the University of Pennsylvania.
First off, I know Penn is a wicked smart dude, but the simple fact that Kumar, the biggest on screen stoner of the 21st century in now working in the White House in a field as marihuannna
friendly as "The Arts...." is nothing short of wild. Check out the scene above from "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay." It's funny, progressive (aka "stoner friendly"), and also politically interesting.

So in honor of Mr. Penn's ascent to the white house. I would like to nominate the following other fictional characters to the White House staff.
1. Spider-Man- This is a hero who has a pure heart, I wanted to nominate Batman, but he's vigilante style of justice doesn't gel with 21st century politics (see the interogation scene in "The Dark Knight" for explanation).
2. Atticus Finch- Hero of "To Kill a Mockingbird" narrator and star is wise beyond his years.
3. Captian Kirk- I'm hearing his leadership is impeccable in the new Star Trek.
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