"Shutter Island" is thrilling example of how movies should be made. If "Avatar" is what happens when a film wizard gets unlimited cash money to spend on technology, "Shutter Island" is what happens when a master storyteller gets his loot to spend on story, characters, and just sheer creative movie-making power. Based off the novel by Dennis Lehane, the film plays like a breath of fresh air in a cinematically penitentiary full of wolfmen, bounty hunters, and Amanda Seyfrieds.
By now you probably know the story is about two "dooley appointid Fideral Mahshals" who descend on a island based psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane to find a missing patient. I'm going to lightly dabble in spoiler territory and say there is WAY more to the story than that. Speaking of this story, this is a screenplay that moves as quickly as patient breaking free from an asylum. Writer Laeta Kalogridis (fresh off story duties on "Avatar") has crafted a script that contains interesting characters, multiple plot twists, and a firm grasp of the overall story that serves as a type of anchor the thrilling narrative.

All parties involved here are operating at the top of their game. Leonardo DiCaprio proves why he is one of the greatest living actors around (which makes him worthy of Bar Refaeli by the way). The supporting cast is dialed in, the direction is masterful, and the story is so intriguing that the film demands multiple viewing. In fact the only thing that's missing from the film is a cameo from Boston hometown hero Matt Damon, or Ben Affleck, or considered last nights victory of the Lakers, Celtic Paul Pierce.
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