July 7, 2011

The Hype Train: "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"

David Fincher's "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" is my most anticipated film of the end of the year. I mean let's be honest here there are a lot of great films coming out in the Fall, a couple of highlights include "War Horse," and sequels to "Sherlock Holmes" and "Mission Impossible," but nothing compares to "Dragon Tattoo." Alright, I know what you're thinking, TPG,  you're just missing James Bond and wanna see D. Craig back in ass-kicking mode. Sure that's part of it, but the main reason here is the director called David Fincher.

Before he was getting robbed of the Oscar for "The Social Network," Fincher was making some pretty dark ass movies. "Seven," "Zodiac," and "Fight Club" all come to mind when thinking about his menacing work. Don't get me wrong, I love "Benjamin Button" but having Fincher back in the menacing zone is a good thing for everybody. Hell, D. Craig in a recent interview disclosed about what to expect from the director's vision of the popular Stieg Larson bestseller

And this is a $100 million R-rated movie. Nobody makes those anymore. And Fincher, he’s not holding back. They’ve given him free rein. He showed me some scenes recently, and my hand was over my mouth, going, Are you fucking serious?.
So wow, Daniel Craig has quite the mouth on him huh? But you get the vibe here right, anyone who has read the book knows that the original Swedish film held back a little bit when it came to the super intense torture, rape,violence etc.  To top it off, the cast is also on point. Daniel Craig is a beast, but the supporting cast including Robin Wright, Stellan Skarsgard,  Christopher Plummer, and Joel Kinnaman (who audiences will recognize from "The Killing") is on point as well.

 Fincher is gonna bring it like a director scorned and it's going to be dark, intense, and an incredible cinematic experience from one of the world's best storytellers.

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