Gus: (Verb) To be removed from the equation when you least expect it. Thought those mosquitos were going to be a problem but Hank really gussed them so we're good.
1. As I stated above, this episode was really about father figures. Walt's story/parable to Walter Jr. about how he remembered his father was heartbreaking, both because of how heartfelt it was (Cranston! Acting!) and how also how indicative it was of how much Walt still wants to control how he's perceived. On the flip side we had Jesse taking a family vacation with his father surrogates Gus and Mike. During both of story lines the son played a crucial part in saving the father. Walter Jr covering up for his's dad bloody well being and Jesse spilling blood to help his fathers' well being. Way to step up son! That was some Cat Steven's shit!
2. Speaking of stepping up! Tonight was the crowning achievement of Jesse Pinkman's career yo! Seeing him boss around the Mexican scientists, watching the crowd grow, and that final tick up to purity was tense, but the payoff for Jesse considering where's he been and what he's done was 100% pure satisfaction. It firmly cemented him in the Gus/Mike camp and that was even more prevalent by just how quickly he started blasting his gun like Tony Montana at the end. I'm 100% rooting for Pinkman and really hopes he becomes the Michael Corleone of this show.

3. I pointed out last week that the show is paying Homage to Scarface in a big way, but it seemed like this week they were paying homage to Fat Joe and Big Pin (RIP) with all those large Mexican gangsters!
4. I pointed out last week that the show is paying Homage to Scarface in a big way, but it seemed like this week they were paying homage to Fat Joe and Big Pin (RIP) with all those large Mexican gangsters!
5. Give up for RJ Mitte who plays Walter Jr. Last week I asked for some more scenes involving him and this week we got em'. Thanks gang.
6. As much as this season is about the continuing adventures of Gus Fring and the gang, it's also about Skyler's descent in moral depravity. She just like Walter has a taste for power and control and if you think that sweet ol' Ted and his new Benz are going to the end of the season, go back to watching "The Voice." That dude is marked for death and Skyler is going to give the order.
7. No Hank this week, and you know what I kind of missed the guy.
8. "There's no place for emotion in this," says the Head of Cartel to Gus, which is ironic because it's both true and false. Gus is the king of being emotionless whether he's slicing throats, serving up savory chicken, or killing a group of rivals en mass. Yet, Fring is also full of emotion, he taunts Uncle Hector, he makes a point to toss his nemesis into the pool, and smiles when Pinkman comes through with the cooking.
9. Good to see Morris O'Brian back on TV.
10. THE RETURN OF THE MIND MELT: While there have been more than a couple news stories about educators becoming Meth cooks, the story that seems to be paralleling the show now is the trial of Edgar Valdez Villarreal or "La Barbie." Born in Texas, Edgar got involved in the drug trade, became an enforcer for a cartel, and rapidly rose to power in the Cartel. He's now awaiting trial and most likely is responsible for over 150 deaths. I don't know if Pinkman has a dark enough soul to become that intense in the power structure of the cartel, but with Gus and Mike wounded, it's now on him to be emotionless and take over tha game!
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