There are many movies coming out in the summer of 2012, but you wouldn't know it. Three movies are dominating every conversation I've had with movie geeks, standard bros, and everyday film goers: "Avengers", "The Dark Knight Rises", and "Prometheus." I mean that's all there really is right? Sure there is the "Spiderman" reboot which feels totally unnecessary, a new "Men In Black" (devoid of a new Will Smith theme song...which is bullshit), a new "Expendables," a slightly better looking "G.I. Joe," but seriously at the end of the day it all comes down to the trio...the trinity.
So in the words of the almighty Highlander (movie is nuts by the way) "there can only be one," so lets breakdown each of three cinematic titans to see which one is the most anticipated.
Prometheus: Aliens in space kill people! This movie which has run a perfect marketing campaign seems to be at the top of the pack right now. Director Ridley Scott described the movie as "2001 on Steroids" and if there is one thing that male movie-goers like, it's trippy far out mega space shit. The trailers released feature space ships, foreign landscapes, androids, alien creatures, machine guns, flamethrowers, ATVs, mysterious civilizations, and of course Idris Elba aka Stringer Bell. So...pretty much everything that dudes like when they were little is now updated to everything dudes like talking about when they are blazed. Coming at us in IMAX 3D, this looks like the harsh gritty terrifying version of Avatar, and Avatar is the business.
Avengers: You're boy TPG has been hyping this one for years and with stellar reviews and relentless marketing, the film is everywhere and people are talking about it. But for some reason it's the last ranked on the anticipation scale. I think it's because everyone knows what they're gonna get. Cool superhero action with lots of Oh Shit Moments, easter eggs to other marvel characters, and some tantalizing tease after the credits. It's the movie equivalent of eating really good pizza. You know pizza, you love pizza, you know there is some pizza that is better than other za', and you're pumped up for this legendary pizza, but ultimately you're still scarfing down the same shit you've been eating since you were a kid. It's gonna be delicious but it also won't be entirely new. (Note, don't read that paragraph as me not being pumped for the I'm straight dying of anticipation here).
The Dark Knight Rises - Is is possible that the most hyped movie in the history of this website will fail to deliver on it's massive promise created by the end of "The Dark Knight?" Probably not, the Nolan worshipping disciples will remind you that not only was "The Dark Knight" the best super hero movie ever made (I'll give you that nerds) but that "Inception," also blew your mind so any seeds of doubt should be crushed by the power of Nolan. Yet in the scope of "Prometheus" and "Avengers" this trailer needed to be an A+ to get me amped and it comes in at a solid A-. However, once I start thinking about seeing Batman on screen kicking ass, all the conspiracy theories on the film, there is no way I'm not amped as hell for this. I feel once I see "Avengers" on Friday and Prometheus on June 8th, my anticipation for this will be rising.
TPG Hype Meter:
1. Prometheus
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Avengers
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