Not only does he destroy people/buildings, he destroys stereotypes of single parenting
Yesterday, it was announced that FOX is developing a remake of the legendary action classic "Commando." Readers know that I'm a huge Arnold fan so this news hits close to the heart, "Commando" is a special one for me. I remember watching it on TV at my Aunts house and thinking "now, this right heya, this is a movie." At what point in the movie did I realize this? Probably this part right here:
Let them try to remake gold, the alchemists at fox will learn the hard way that it cannot be done. They will try, they'll bring in David Ayer, screenwriter of the unforgettable Training Day, and also the director of the extremely forgettable Street Kings. Yet at the end of the day, like the poor souls who tried to take down Arnold in that fated shed above, they will find that remaking Arnold is impossible. Why? Tune in tomorrow for a special article about why this is literally is impossible.
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