July 30, 2010
MIND MELT ALERT: Nolan & Arnold Team Up
THISLALIFE - Arnold would be an old factory worker who was one day away from finally retiring. On his last day of work, he would learn that the factory he thought was making parts for automobiles, was actually making parts for a machine that would destroy the world. Arnold, who always knows what's just and true, would have no choice but to take down the corporation and save the planet.
IM NEVER GETTING MARRIED - After marrying Maria Shriver, Arnold is sent back in time to save JFK. Together with Ted Kennedy, Arnold must save JFK, thus creating a better world for all, a world where one day he could grow up to be President. It would be "True Lies" meets "24" meets "Terminator" meets "Memento."
CINEMANIC CHRONICLES - I don't care because the chances of me actually going to see it would be slim.
EVAN BREGMAN - A retired politician goes back in time to save the world from the one key mistake he made during his time in office...but doesn't realize the ramifications of changing the past are worse than he could ever imagine
PURSUIT OF SHOES - "Hahaha, I have no idea"
NICHOLAS J ROBINSON - Arnold plays Adam, the lead in BEGINNING, a twisted retelling of the story of Adam and Eve. Creatures from hell, temptations before there were such a thing, and a journey to begin mankind
LITTLE RIZZ - "I don't know but it would be some dark shit."
JONNY UMANSKY - In honor of it's 10 year anniversary, Nolan remakes Memento with Arnie starring in the Leonard role. Other key changes will include, but are not limited to: Danny DeVito in the role of Teddy. Jamie Lee Curtis in the of Natalie. And "Remember Sammy Jenkis" will be replaced with "Remember John Connor.
JOEFRANCISG - A Much more elaborate version of Last Action Hero
JAY JUDAH - An old soldier, long since retired from the field -- a desk jockey -- is selected for a virtual reality program to test and train the human mind for the horrors of battle. When he enters the virtual world, however, things are not as they seem - as per trope, the rules of mind games are easily broken - and he must find a way to dispatch his pursuers and escape with his sanity intact. Effectively, it's Tron meets Inception with a dash of Battle Royale and The Matrix to taste -- your mind is the scene of the all-out death match
KOSHER D - An alien force attacks the US and the people turn to their leaders for help, Arnold leads the charge
LIFTING FOG - Arnold plays a retired, extremely successful venture capitalist. He realizes that unknown entities have been slowly stealing money from his accounts. He goes on an international tour de force to track down the thieves. In the end, it is his younger brother who has been masterminding it as a way to divert funds to cancer research to save his dying wife. Arnold must chose: life of ultimate power/wealth that he has grown accustomed to or renounce his old ways and save wife of long lost brother. Pressure from all sides to stop brother, namely the pharmaceutical companies who must not let the cure to cancer be achieved by a non profiting foundation.
Which one would you want to see? And check back for updates!
July 29, 2010
Thor Footage
I have no choice to post this. I'm really digging this by the way. I just know it will be taken down soon.
Dear Arnold,
It is now clear that the remakers cannot be stopped. You know this breed of people, lacking in creativity, they seek to remake what once was sacred. And today is the day that the remakers made their first real power move. They want to remake, wait, it sounds like they will remake "Total Recall," with Len "Underwold" Wiseman set to direct.
Arnold, oh Arnold, where art thou Arnold. It is clear now that the world needs you more than ever. I sincerely hope that you return to the screen and regulate on everyone who is remaking the films that made you a guy who's poster hangs in every high school weight room with the slogan "Ain't got time to bleed."
Arnold, just come back the screen, even if it means, playing Dad Arnold to Arnold in a live action remake of the Nickelodeon show. I mean, come on, you can squeeze in some action there, you can help him solve school problems through ass kicking. I'm in. You could even make a sequel to "Junior," but I'd prefer a sequel to "True Lies," which just might happen....
Hasta La Vista (I had to)
July 28, 2010
When Can You Openly Talk About Inception?
By now everyone knows the "Inception" situation. You're hanging out at work, at the gym, at a Crab Fest BBQ and someone says something about "Inception," and everyone starts freaking out. During this freakout you have two types of people. The first group says something like this "Dude, that movie was nuts! But I have one question...." Now the second group, usually puts their hands over there ears, makes a weird drone noise and runs away while yelling "I haven't seen it, don't talk about it." At which point the first group says "yeah, run away, now let's get into, what's the meaning of....."
"Inception" is a film that is designed to be talked about endlessly. As I said in my review, I have more fun talking about the film with my buddies than I did watching it with them. Let's just say, I got theories, brah, mad theories. But these other folks, these "Inception" holder-outers, what are you waiting for? And how long do you have to wait for them to talk about it?
Historically the answer would be that you'd wait forever. People didn't go around talking about "The Sixth Sense" two weeks after it came out. People still don't ruin the end of that movie, doing that is considered a sin. But with "Inception" there isn't anything to ruin as much as there are things to meditate on. So I'm calling now, after this Friday (July 30th) it should be acceptable to talk about the film openly amongst people who generally see movies like it*. And if they complain, you just say, "hey don't be mad at me you missed the freight train blasting through the psyche of the american sub-conscious."
*I understand some people have better things to do in their lives than see movies. These people would be Doctors, parents, newborns, etc. But come on, the movie is wild, and even these guys know about it
via / Barstool
July 27, 2010
Lego Will Print Your Mind Away
If this printer printed the script to "Inception" then I think my mind would explode or I would need a "Kick"
Thanks to my Pops for the video
Has the 3D Backlash Already Begun?
Last year at Comic Con, James Cameron unveiled 3D technology to the masses. Each person in the screening room strapped on glasses and saw the future, and loved it. Yet this year, the crowd's reaction to 3D was a bit tepid. Yes folks, 3D cinema has already come to it's crossroads.
On one side, big huge 3D films are just getting started. "Tron Legacy" comes out this fall, and if you buy into the hype, it will be just as mind blowing as "Avatar." In the summer of 2012, there will be more 3D films including "Men in Black 3" and "Spiderman" all films that really lend themselves to the medium. I mean who wouldn't want to see Spiderman zipping around the the theatre. Even auteur Martin Scorsese has embraced the medium with his new film "Hugo Cabret."
But everything isn't that eye-popping. At Comic Con this past weekend, comic con jesus Jon Favreau revealed that his new epic Cowboys and Aliens will be shot in 2D and won't be converted, and the crowd went wild for a 2D picture. Conversion, that evil word. If there is one thing that makes cinephiles, fanboys, and fairly normal folk upset it's shitty conversion 3D, ie 3D added after the film is already done. The great website REAL 3D or FAKE 3D categorizes which films have been converted and which are shot in 3D.
So, TPG, what do you think? Do you think 3D will fade away like those old school motion rides? No, 3D is is here to stay. When you look at the dope films shot in 3D coming out in the future, there is no way that audiences won't be pumped about the medium for years to come. That list:
Men in Black III
Spider-Man 4
The Avengers
Hugo Cabret
Kung Fu Panda 2
Pirates Of The Caribbean 4
The Smurfs
Transformers 3
Underworld 4
Yogi Bear
That's a lot of big time movies, and trust me, once those fanboys see aliens get blasted in pasta sauce by Willy Smith in 3D, they won't worry about htat conversion nonsense. Welcome to 3D Earf!
July 26, 2010
UPDATE! NOW WITH TRAILER: Comic Con Follow Up - Cowboys & Aliens
"Cowboys & Aliens" is a hypothetical dream team of summer movie-making. First off, your eyes aren't tricking you, that is Daniel Craig, aka James Bond, looking badass with the worlds coolest slap bracelet. This is summer movie making in it's purest form, and when this films hits theaters next July it will be coming from some of the finest pedigree of filmmaking.
First off, comic con deity Jon Favreau is directing the film. Like or not "Iron Man 2" had some thrilling some action sequences, and this is no different. It was written by Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman, the guys who wrote "Star Trek." It is produced by Ron Howard, Brian Grazer, and Steven Spielberg, who combined have six Oscars. And finally it stars the aforementioned Daniel Craig, mega babe Olivia Wilde, "Iron Man 2" scene stealer Sam Rockwell, "There Will Be Blood" preacher Paul Dano, and finally the ultimate badass himself: Harrison Ford.
I have read the script for this project and can say that it's very very cool. I mean there isn't that much to say besides the simple fact that a whole bunch of evil aliens attack an old west town, and Daniel Craig, who has some past history with the aliens has to do some serious Bond-esque intergalactic regulating. In his comic-con presentation, Favreau mentioned how he wanted a western feel to it, and the script reads that way. There are carriage chases, gunslingers with familes somewhere, harderned badasses who still want won more shot, and epic action sequences. I'm really looking forward to the film, I just don't know if John Ford is.
photo via The playlist
July 23, 2010
Monsters Trailer Hits
"Monsters" Teaser Trailer
Uploaded by ThePlaylist. - Classic TV and last night's shows, online.
This is the trailer for the film that I mentioned in my recent post about Do It Yourself filmmaking.
July 22, 2010
New Thor Image & Comic Con Excuses
July 21, 2010
Zack Synder To Make 300 Prequel
According to the great blog "Hero Complex", Synder has been working on the script for his next film, entitled "Xerxes." If you recall, Xerxes was the villain in "300" (He's also featured above). The film will focus on a young Xerxes, a persian badass who eventually wants to go take care of business and capture the world. Of course that is a terrible generalization, but check out the article for more information.
I'm intrigued by this project, if only because they'll have to cast a somewhat recognizable actor in the role of the persian regulator X-Man himself. Keep in mind the last Persian movie featured Jake Gyllenhaal, so in this film, one can only expect Matt Damon to play the lead.
July 20, 2010
Rambo: The Musical
Man, I thought Conan was good, but the female singing here really takes it to a new place.
Roger Ebert in Limbo
July 19, 2010
Summer Movie Smackdown: Inception
July 16, 2010
Have A Dream Based Weekend
The Town Trailer
Straight out of Boston! This looks incredible. They even squeeze in a sox game, but I'm not sure why.
The Weight of the Bat
July 15, 2010
New Trailer for Julian Schnabel's: MIRAL
The Social Network Trailer Friends You, Pokes You, Status Updates You, and Owns You
Man o man, is this trailer good. I've read the script for this flick and if the film plays anything like the script reads, this is really going to blow people's minds. I love how director David Fincher seems to be using a similar color scheme as "Benjamin Button" and the cast of Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, and Andrew Garfield, aka Spiderman, also looks promising.
Facebook seems to be dominating our lives these days. A recent poll said one third of women check facebook in the morning, and that's not all, click the link for all the promising/disturbing details. Facebook is on our phones, in our minds, and in front of us every time we turn on a computer. Basically you're life is your facebook and don't try to deny it.
In a recent article on /FILM, it was revealed that the film won't be marketed on facebook itself. This is mainly because of the facebook ad laws, not because of some nefarious agenda, but just wait, as more and more people see this film, they will start to think about Mr Zuckenberg, and how much they can trust him. And they realize they don't have a choice but to trust him, cause if they don't, that picture of them wasted in a banana suit will be all over the world, oh wait, it already is.
July 14, 2010
Mel Gibson! Are you surprised?
1. Edge of Darkness - A maniac cop kills everyone involved in a murder. At one point he pours poison milk down a guys throat and then feeds him cookies, not really, but that would have been cool.
2. Apocalypto - Mel Gibson directs an ultra-violent revenge story where people get killed by jaguars, snakes, and spears. Oh yeah tons of bloody sacrifice
3. The Passion of the Christ - Ultra violent take on Jesus, who is not an ultra-violent guy. This should have been a red flag people.
And that's only recently, this dude is clearly bananas, and I haven't even started making "What Women Want" jokes yet. But please folks, don't act like you didn't see it coming
July 13, 2010
Predators: The Search for a Governor

Last week we were blessed with the release of “Predators.” This film should act as an example to Hollywood of what a remake should be. But, I’m not here to get into the debate of if remaking should still be a practice or not, my motives here are far more political. Literally. The first “Predator”, aside from giving us one of the coolest monsters in film history, also provided us two future governors: California’s Arnold and Minnesota’s Jesse The Body. Begging the question, “Who from this new batch of badasses will run for office?”
While each person has some positives and negatives for why they should be in office, I’m only going to highlight a handful of our possible candidates.
Topher Grace (Edwin): People have loved him since “That 70’s Show” and he shows in this movie that he’s got more range than just doormat Foreman. This could be useful in winning the hearts of his voters. However, I haven’t forgiven anyone attached to “Spiderman 3” so he won’t be getting my vote.
Walton Goggins (Stans): As Detective Shane Vendrell on FX’s “The Shield” he showed us he knows his way around the law. However, in “Predators” he’s our death row inmate and even though our nation’s leaders haven’t always played by the rules (See Richard M. Nixon) being on deathrow might disqualify him from running.
Laurence Fishburne (Noland): Fishburne seems to be a lock for a future governor. He’s got all the credentials: CSI investigator and showed that he can assist in the saving of a people and getting them hyped up (See The Matrix Trilogy. Well, don’t pay much attention to 2 & 3). However, in “Predators” we’re not getting Morpheus. We’re getting someone a bit shakier, and without spoiling anything, let’s just say not the guy I want to be in charge of balancing my budget.
Alice Braga (Isabelle): The only woman on our list and in our movie and for good reason. She would’ve destroyed any other female who came across their path. She’s faced non-humans before (See “I Am Legend”. It’s awesome) and anyone who is working for the IDF and packing the hardware she is gets an A+ in my book. Even if I don’t think anyone named Isabelle lives in Israel. She shows a mix of kick-assery and heart and those will be key to winning the election.
Adrien Brody (Royce): Our Oscar Winner. Our former baseball player (See “Angels In The Outfield.” It’ll change your life.) Our Leader. In “Predators” he takes the reigns immediately and never looks back. He thinks quickly on his feet, delegates swiftly, and wields every weapon at his disposal beautifully. For the women who may only see him in this role as a jacked killer, I point them towards “The Pianist” and watch as they cast their vote while wiping away their tears.
Governor Braga & Governor Brody: If there is a world past 2012, they'll have a hand in running it!
New Expendables Trailer Saves The Summer?
WOW! Man, this get's my pumped up for this flick. After Inception this weekend, EXPENDABLES is the film to see! (via the playlist)
July 12, 2010
Summer Movie Smackdown: Predators
July 9, 2010
Have A Double Rainbow Weekend
Have a double rainbow weekend everybody!
July 8, 2010
What Will Be in the AVATAR Re-Release?
On August 27, return to Pandora and re-experience James Cameron’s History-Making Epic film, with more than Eight Minutes of Never Before Seen Footage- exclusively in Digital 3D and IMAX® 3D. Since - and largely as of result of - AVATAR’s release last December, the number of available digital 3D screens has exploded, and moviegoers who missed experiencing the film in 3D, as well as fans that want to return to Pandora again, will now have that opportunity.Man, this really gets me jazzed. Unlike some folks, I'm a straight up AVATAR purist, I refuse to watch it on Blu-Ray. 3D IMAX is the only way to see this bad boy, but enough, what can we expect from this new cut. After reading the original script, here are three brief things that we could possibly get on our return
- A glimpse of Earth. The script opens with my main meng Jake Sully on a earth that is very much in line with a mother earth that has been, in the words of Jake Sully, killed. This glimpse hopefully will contain other aspects of life in the future. No spoilers here.
- The "sex scene." Honestly, the only people who care about are the people who paint themselves blue on the third saturday of the month and meet at the northwest corner of the Santa Monica Pier to read fan fiction, whoah, did I just say that, too much information.
- Finally, the battle scene will be extended. The death of Tsu-tey (the "did you mate with this woman line bro") will be elaborated.