March 4, 2010

Jordan Verner, Zelda, and the Power of the Internet

I'm not a Nintendo guy, never was and I don't plan to be any time in the future. However, I do have friends all across the globe who are Nintendo Ninjas, Mario Masters, and Pokemon Pros. These friends will tell you that "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" is one of the greatest games of all time. They will also tell you that while it's incredibly fun, it is also pretty damn complex. So while the world may be turning against us humans, stories like the one featured above us remind us that there is still hope for the human race.

Check it out. Jordan Verner, who's blind, had been playing small parts of the game for a couple years reached out online for people to help him. I'm not going to try to figure how he had been playing the video game blind, but who I am to question someone's abilities, regardless if they had a disability or not?  And you know what, the gaming community answered the call.

Zelda disciple Roy Williams got together with his friends, blindfolded themselves, played through the game and obsessively wrote down every move they made. This process took them two years by the way. Then the group then sent the detailed instructions to Verner. These instructions were then dictated to him through a computer. The Ocarina was found and Verner successfully beat the game. His quote upon beating the game:

""I felt great. I felt strong. I felt like the sky's the limit," said Jordan, adding that he lives by his school's motto, "The impossible is only the untried."

1 comment:

  1. Loved this story, although that is no surprise!
    Love, Mom
