July 21, 2009

Welcome to Mannywood

Manny Ramirez is Hollywood. Seriously, this is a guy who I absolutely loved in Boston. Yeah he did some antics that some (well many) would frown on but the dude is a huge part of my childhood. Shit, my boy Johnny gave me his jersey, and it was the first jersey I have ever owned. Of course due to wild college parties and tragic mustard accidents at Fenway, it's pretty dirty, but I still love it.

Yesterday was the first time I saw Manny since he arrived in LA and it was my first ever trip to Dodgers stadium. Of course Manny went deep guy and I realized that he fits in very well here in LA. In Boston, people were only happy if he was crushing homers, they couldn't handle his chillbrah dude attitude, in LA people are just happy to have a brah with dreads chilling or crushing homers. It's just a little more relaxed here, and I think that fits him. I'm glad to see him happy, but let's be clear, Jason Bay is nice, and Sox are still my team.

1 comment:

  1. You had me nervous for a minute Tim!
    Glad to know the Red Sox are still your team!!!
